2024-es év legjobb akadálymentességi tesztelő bővítményei

Best accessibility testing extensions

Web accessibility is a critical consideration for modern websites, ensuring that digital content is usable by everyone, including individuals with disabilities. Both Chrome and Firefox offer a variety of browser extensions that make accessibility testing easier for developers, marketers, and content creators. These tools help you identify and address issues that can affect the accessibility of your site, often without needing to leave your browser.

In this article, we will explore the most useful accessibility testing extensions available for Chrome and Firefox, providing an overview of their features, pros and cons, and how they can improve web accessibility.

Why Accessibility Matters in Web Development

Accessibility involves making websites and web applications usable for people with a wide range of disabilities, including visual, auditory, cognitive, and motor impairments. A key principle of web accessibility is to provide equal access and opportunity to people with disabilities.

Benefits of accessibility include:

  • Legal Compliance: Many countries enforce web accessibility laws, like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the U.S. and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
  • SEO and Usability: Accessible websites tend to rank better in search engines and provide a better experience for all users, not just those with disabilities.
  • Larger Audience: By making your site accessible, you open it up to millions of users who may otherwise struggle to navigate it.

With that in mind, here are the most popular and effective accessibility testing tools you can use directly from your Chrome or Firefox browser.

Axe Accessibility Checker


The Axe Accessibility Checker (új ablakban nyílik meg) is a browser extension designed to identify accessibility issues on web pages based on the WCAG 2.1 standards. It is widely used by developers for manual testing, and it's maintained by Deque Systems, a leader in web accessibility solutions.

Key Features

  • Automatic Testing: Scans pages for accessibility violations and presents results in an organized, readable format.
  • WCAG Compliance: Tests for compliance with WCAG 2.1 standards.
  • Detailed Reports: Provides clear explanations of each issue, including code references and suggestions for resolution.
  • Open Source: It's open source, meaning it's free to use and can be customized for specific needs.


  • Accuracy: Axe is known for producing fewer false positives than many other automated testing tools.
  • Integration: Easily integrates with other tools, such as Selenium for automated testing in CI/CD pipelines.
  • Customization: You can customize tests to fit specific needs.


  • Manual Fixing Required: The tool identifies issues, but it doesn't offer one-click solutions.
  • No Full Automation: While useful for testing individual pages, it lacks the ability to crawl entire websites.

Best For

Developers and testers looking for a precise and customizable tool to check specific pages for WCAG violations.


Axe is a highly effective tool, but it only catches around 30% of potential accessibility issues. More comprehensive, manual testing is necessary to ensure a fully accessible website.

WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool)


WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool) (új ablakban nyílik meg) is a free accessibility evaluation tool provided by WebAIM. It helps developers and designers make web content more accessible by highlighting errors, warnings, and suggestions for improvement directly in the browser window.

Key Features

  • Visual Indicators: WAVE overlays error indicators directly onto your webpage for a clear visual representation of accessibility issues.
  • Color Contrast Checking: Evaluates and displays color contrast problems.
  • Reports: Offers detailed, downloadable reports on accessibility issues.
  • Inline Fixes: Helps guide developers to areas of the code that need adjustments.


  • Visual Aid: The extension's in-page visual representation of issues makes it easy for non-developers to understand the problems.
  • Comprehensive Analysis: Includes checks for ARIA labels, heading structure, link text, and more.
  • Customizable Filters: Filters results based on accessibility issues relevant to different user groups.


  • Overlays Can Be Overwhelming: The overlay display can become cluttered on complex pages, making it hard to isolate individual issues.
  • Requires Internet Access: While the extension is local, some features require a connection to WAVE’s servers.

Best For

Web designers and developers who want to visually identify accessibility issues and quickly resolve them.


Though WAVE is excellent for initial audits, it may not catch every issue, especially dynamic content problems (e.g., issues arising from AJAX calls).



Lighthouse (új ablakban nyílik meg) is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages, with built-in accessibility audits. Developed by Google, Lighthouse is available as a Chrome extension and is integrated directly into Chrome's DevTools.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Auditing: Audits performance, SEO, accessibility, and more.
  • Actionable Reports: Provides clear recommendations for improving accessibility.
  • Integration with DevTools: Accessible directly within Chrome's developer tools.
  • Offline Functionality: Can run audits without requiring an internet connection.


  • Broad Scope: Evaluates a wide array of accessibility factors, including semantic structure and keyboard accessibility.
  • Fast and Easy: Generates an accessibility score quickly and provides actionable insights.
  • Useful Beyond Accessibility: Also offers audits for performance, SEO, and best practices, making it a well-rounded tool.


  • Basic Guidance: While it points out problems, the explanations and suggestions are sometimes not as thorough as more specialized tools like Axe.
  • Single-Page Focus: You can only analyze one page at a time.

Best For

Developers who want a broad audit of their site’s accessibility, performance, and SEO, all from one place.


Lighthouse audits provide valuable insights, but because they are automated, they can't catch every accessibility issue. For example, it may miss issues involving user interaction or dynamic content.

Accessibility Insights for Web


Accessibility Insights for Web (új ablakban nyílik meg) is an open-source extension created by Microsoft. It helps developers ensure that their web content meets the WCAG 2.1 and ARIA standards. The tool offers two main modes of operation: FastPass for quick scans and Assessment for more detailed evaluations.

Key Features

  • FastPass: Quickly assesses a page for high-impact accessibility issues.
  • Assessment Mode: A step-by-step guided manual testing process based on the WCAG 2.1 AA standard.
  • Automated Checks: Offers automated tests for commonly missed accessibility issues.


  • Guided Testing: Assessment mode offers detailed guidance, helping developers perform comprehensive manual testing.
  • Great Documentation: Includes excellent documentation and explanations for each issue, along with links to official resources.
  • Constant Updates: Regularly updated by Microsoft to keep up with the latest web standards.


  • Time-Consuming: The assessment process can be time-consuming if you're manually testing a large site.
  • Focus on Developers: The tool is designed primarily for developers, so non-technical users might find it overwhelming.

Best For

Developers who want to perform comprehensive accessibility assessments, including manual testing.


Like other automated tools, Accessibility Insights for Web cannot fully replace manual testing. Additionally, it focuses heavily on development and technical users.

ARC Toolkit


ARC Toolkit (új ablakban nyílik meg) is an accessibility testing tool developed by TPGi (The Paciello Group). Available as a Chrome extension, it offers in-depth accessibility insights directly in the browser.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Testing: Tests web pages in real-time as you browse.
  • Manual and Automated Testing: Offers both automated tests and manual testing tools for a more comprehensive approach.
  • Filterable Results: Allows users to filter results based on WCAG criteria or specific accessibility issues.


  • Detailed Testing: ARC Toolkit performs detailed testing and highlights accessibility issues not covered by some other extensions.
  • Filter Options: You can filter results based on severity, helping prioritize issues.
  • Real-Time Results: Results are generated in real-time as you browse a webpage, allowing for on-the-fly testing.


  • Steep Learning Curve: ARC Toolkit’s interface can be overwhelming for beginners.
  • Chrome-Only: The tool is currently only available for Chrome, limiting cross-browser testing.

Best For

Advanced users who need a more detailed analysis of accessibility issues on their websites.


While ARC Toolkit provides thorough accessibility testing, it can be difficult for non-developers to navigate and interpret the results.



tota11y (új ablakban nyílik meg) is an accessibility visualization toolkit developed by Khan Academy. This tool focuses on visually overlaying accessibility issues, making it easier for designers and developers to identify and correct problems in real time.

Key Features

  • Interactive Overlay: tota11y overlays on the page and highlights issues with headers, color contrast, ARIA attributes, and more.
  • Simple Interface: Offers an intuitive interface that is easy for both developers and non-developers to use.
  • Open Source: The tool is open source and regularly updated.


  • User-Friendly: tota11y’s simple interface and visual cues make it easy to use for beginners.
  • Real-Time Visualization: Issues are highlighted as you interact with the page.
  • Free and Open Source: It’s free and open for contributions from the community.


  • Limited in Scope: While useful for visualizing issues, tota11y doesn’t provide the depth of other tools like Lighthouse or Axe.
  • Lacks Advanced Features: tota11y focuses on a limited set of accessibility checks and lacks more advanced features like detailed reporting or integration with automated testing tools.
  • No Browser-Specific Functionality: It does not provide browser-specific accessibility features, limiting its effectiveness in some cases.

Best For

Designers and developers who need a quick, user-friendly tool for identifying common accessibility issues with a focus on visual representation.


tota11y is a good starting point for visualizing accessibility issues, but it is not a comprehensive solution. It should be used in conjunction with more powerful tools to get a complete picture of your site’s accessibility.



HeadingsMap (új ablakban nyílik meg) is a Chrome and Firefox extension that helps analyze the heading structure of web pages. Proper heading structure is critical for accessibility as screen readers often use headings to help users navigate content. HeadingsMap helps ensure that your headings follow a logical hierarchy.

Key Features

  • Heading Structure Visualization: Displays the heading structure in a tree-like format, making it easy to identify misplaced or missing headings.
  • Accessibility Insights: Provides insights into the impact of heading structure on overall accessibility.
  • Quick Analysis: Instantly generates a report of all the headings on a webpage, allowing for quick analysis.


  • Simple and Focused: It focuses solely on headings, making it a lightweight and simple tool for developers and content creators.
  • Cross-Browser Support: Available for both Chrome and Firefox.
  • Useful for SEO: In addition to accessibility, HeadingsMap can also help with SEO by ensuring your heading tags are well-structured.


  • Limited Scope: It only checks heading structures, so other accessibility issues may go undetected.
  • Basic Functionality: Lacks more advanced features, such as integration with other accessibility tools or automated testing.

Best For

Developers and content creators who want to ensure proper heading structures for both accessibility and SEO.


While useful for identifying heading structure issues, HeadingsMap is not a comprehensive accessibility tool. It should be paired with other extensions for a full accessibility audit.

NoCoffee Vision Simulator


The NoCoffee Vision Simulator (új ablakban nyílik meg) is a Chrome extension designed to simulate various types of visual impairments, such as color blindness, cataracts, and glaucoma. It helps developers and designers understand how their website may appear to users with different visual impairments.

Key Features

  • Simulate Visual Impairments: Simulates a range of visual impairments, including low contrast sensitivity, blurred vision, and loss of peripheral vision.
  • Real-Time Simulation: Allows users to interact with the webpage while the simulation is active, offering an immersive experience of how the site functions for users with visual impairments.
  • Customizable Settings: Adjust simulation settings to reflect different degrees of impairment.


  • Insightful: Provides valuable insight into how visual impairments affect user experience, helping designers make more accessible choices.
  • Easy to Use: The extension is simple and easy to use, with customizable settings for different visual impairments.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Real-time simulations make it easier to identify problem areas on your site as you interact with it.


  • No Automated Testing: NoCoffee doesn't identify accessibility violations or provide suggestions for fixes; it simply simulates visual impairments.
  • Chrome Only: Currently available only as a Chrome extension, which limits cross-browser testing.

Best For

Designers who want to understand how their websites look and function for users with visual impairments.


NoCoffee is not an accessibility testing tool in the traditional sense. It simulates visual impairments but does not provide reports or guidance on how to fix accessibility issues.

Siteimprove Accessibility Checker


The Siteimprove Accessibility Checker (új ablakban nyílik meg) is a Chrome extension that integrates with the Siteimprove platform. It provides automated accessibility testing, offering a fast and reliable way to ensure your web pages meet WCAG 2.1 standards.

Key Features

  • Automated Testing: Automatically scans for accessibility issues and provides a detailed report.
  • Siteimprove Platform Integration: If you’re a Siteimprove customer, you can link your testing to the Siteimprove platform for deeper insights and tracking.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-navigate interface for users of all technical levels.


  • Comprehensive Analysis: Provides a comprehensive breakdown of accessibility issues and recommendations.
  • Integration: Works seamlessly with the Siteimprove platform for continuous monitoring and improvement.
  • Cross-Browser Support: Available for both Chrome and Firefox.


  • Limited Free Features: Some of the most powerful features are only available if you have a subscription to Siteimprove.
  • Not as Detailed as Others: The free version may not provide as much detailed analysis as tools like Axe or Lighthouse.

Best For

Siteimprove customers or users looking for a quick and easy way to automate accessibility testing.


The free version has limited capabilities, and users may need to upgrade to a paid plan to access more detailed features and continuous monitoring.

Color Contrast Analyzers (CCAs)


Color Contrast Analyzers (CCAs) (új ablakban nyílik meg) like Colour Contrast Analyser and WCAG Color Contrast Checker are dedicated extensions for checking color contrast on websites. These tools ensure that text and background colors have sufficient contrast to meet WCAG guidelines, which is essential for users with low vision or color blindness.

Key Features

  • Color Contrast Testing: Measures the contrast between foreground and background elements to ensure compliance with WCAG standards.
  • Real-Time Analysis: Allows you to select elements on a webpage and receive immediate feedback on color contrast.
  • Cross-Browser Support: Available for both Chrome and Firefox.


  • Simple and Effective: Focuses specifically on color contrast issues, making it straightforward and effective.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Provides instant results, allowing for quick adjustments.


  • Limited Scope: These tools focus exclusively on color contrast, so other accessibility issues will need to be checked with different tools.
  • Manual Input Required: Some analyzers require manual input of color values, which can be time-consuming.

Best For

Designers and developers looking to ensure their websites meet color contrast accessibility standards.


Color contrast analyzers only address one aspect of accessibility. You'll need to use additional tools for a full accessibility audit.


When it comes to accessibility testing, there is no single tool that will meet all your needs. The best approach is to use a combination of extensions that cover various aspects of accessibility. Here are a few recommendations based on different roles and use cases:

  • For Developers: Tools like Axe, Lighthouse, and Accessibility Insights for Web provide detailed technical analysis and are essential for WCAG compliance.
  • For Designers: Tools like tota11y, NoCoffee Vision Simulator, and Color Contrast Analyzers offer visual feedback that helps make design choices more inclusive.
  • For Comprehensive Audits: Combining tools like WAVE, Siteimprove Accessibility Checker, and ARC Toolkit can give you a thorough audit of your website’s accessibility.

Each of these tools has its strengths and limitations, and no single tool can replace thorough manual testing. However, they can help you quickly identify and fix many of the most common accessibility issues, ensuring your website is more inclusive to all users.

By integrating these accessibility testing extensions into your workflow, you not only help ensure legal compliance but also improve the overall usability and user experience of your website for everyone. If you're looking to enhance your website's accessibility and ensure a better experience for all users, reach out to Playful Sparkle . Our team of experts is ready to assist you in making your website more inclusive and compliant.


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A 2024-es év web hozzáférhetőség teljes útmutatója

Web accessibility is no longer just a luxury or an afterthought; it’s a necessity. As of 2024, there are more than a billion people globally who live with some form of disability. További információ az A 2024-es év web hozzáférhetőség teljes útmutatója