What is Google Consent Mode V2? How to Implement It?

What is Google Consent Mode V2? How to Implement It?

As privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) have fundamentally shifted how businesses approach user data, Google Consent Mode V2 emerges as a vital tool. Launched as an update to Google’s initial Consent Mode, this feature allows websites to manage user consent preferences dynamically, adapting tracking behaviors based on users’ decisions regarding cookies and tracking.

For web developers and marketers alike, this tool bridges the gap between compliance and performance. It enables businesses to gather crucial insights without infringing on user privacy, ensuring that they can maintain an effective digital marketing strategy while adhering to regulations. Google Consent Mode V2 introduces several enhancements over its predecessor, most notably in how it models and processes data from users who decline consent, allowing businesses to keep optimizing their marketing and tracking strategies without violating legal requirements.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into what Google Consent Mode V2 is, how it works, the benefits it offers to both marketers and developers, and the practical steps required for its implementation.

Google Consent Mode is a feature designed to help websites adjust their behavior based on the consent status of their users. It allows businesses to configure their Google tags to respect users’ choices while still gathering valuable analytics and performance data from ad campaigns. For example, when a user declines consent for tracking cookies, Google Consent Mode ensures that non-consented tags will operate in a limited mode. This means that while personal data is not collected, Google can still aggregate anonymized information to provide marketers with some level of insight.

The rise of global privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA has brought stricter requirements for how businesses handle user data. Google Consent Mode was introduced to give businesses a way to remain compliant without sacrificing essential tracking capabilities, which are critical for effective marketing and decision-making.

Google Consent Mode operates on the concept of "consent states," allowing Google tags (such as those for Google Analytics or Google Ads) to behave differently depending on the user's consent status. The available states include:

  • Granted Consent: The user has given permission for tracking, and all tags function normally.
  • Denied Consent: The user has opted out of tracking, and the tags operate in a restricted mode, ensuring no personal data is collected.

While businesses must respect users’ privacy preferences, Consent Mode ensures that some anonymized, non-personally identifiable data is still available to improve performance, even when consent is not granted.

Google Consent Mode V2 builds on the original Consent Mode by improving how data from non-consenting users is modeled and interpreted. Let’s break down its technical operation:

Interaction with Google Analytics and Google Ads

When Consent Mode is implemented, Google tags behave based on users’ consent choices. If consent is given, tags will run as usual, collecting data like clicks, conversions, and other user behaviors. If consent is not granted, the tags will switch to a restricted mode where no personal data is collected, but essential anonymous data (such as traffic sources or page views) is still gathered.

For example, Google Analytics will only use cookies to measure performance for users who have consented. For users who haven’t consented, basic interaction events such as page views or session counts can still be registered, but without any personally identifiable information.

Google Ads, on the other hand, will function similarly. Conversion tracking and retargeting will still occur for consenting users. For those who decline, data modeling techniques are employed to provide estimates on conversion actions, though the data will be less granular and anonymized.

Key Enhancements in Version 2

Version 2 introduces several enhancements to optimize the performance of tags while maintaining user privacy:

  • Enhanced Data Modeling: One of the key differences between Consent Mode V1 and V2 is the improvement in data modeling for non-consented users. With more sophisticated algorithms, Google is able to provide more accurate estimates for conversions and ad performance, even when a significant portion of users opt out of tracking.
  • Optimized Ad Performance: V2 ensures that even when users do not grant consent for cookies, businesses can still measure the overall effectiveness of their ad campaigns by relying on aggregated data and modeled insights. This leads to better campaign optimization, especially for platforms like Google Ads, where understanding conversions is crucial for allocating ad budgets effectively.
  • Better Integration with Privacy Regulations: As privacy regulations evolve, Consent Mode V2 is designed to stay ahead of the curve. It offers enhanced capabilities for complying with legal requirements, including support for different levels of consent and region-specific data handling.

Both developers and marketers can reap significant benefits from Google Consent Mode V2. Let’s explore some of these advantages:

For Marketers

  • Improved Conversion Tracking: Even when users do not consent to full cookie tracking, Google Consent Mode V2 helps estimate conversions through data modeling, giving marketers more complete insights into their campaigns.
  • Better Ad Campaign Insights: By leveraging aggregated data from users who deny consent, marketers can still measure the overall performance of their campaigns. While the data may not be as granular as that from consenting users, it is still valuable for tracking trends and making strategic decisions.
  • Compliance Without Sacrificing Performance: The tool allows businesses to stay compliant with privacy regulations while maintaining a level of insight needed to make data-driven decisions. This balance is critical for businesses operating in regions with strict privacy laws.

For Developers

  • Simplified Consent Management: Developers can easily configure tags to adjust based on consent preferences, ensuring seamless integration with a Consent Management Platform (CMP). This simplifies the implementation process and ensures that the website remains compliant.
  • Efficient Use of Google Tags: By adjusting tag behavior dynamically, developers can optimize the performance of Google Analytics and Google Ads without over-complicating the tracking infrastructure.
  • Data Safety: With privacy-preserving mechanisms in place, developers can ensure that their sites do not inadvertently collect personal data from users who have denied consent, minimizing the risk of compliance issues.

A CMP helps websites collect and manage user consent in compliance with regulations. To begin, you need to integrate a CMP that works with Google Consent Mode, ensuring that users can easily provide or deny consent for tracking cookies.

Configure Google Tags

Next, configure your Google Analytics and Google Ads tags to adjust behavior based on user consent. This step involves editing your tag configurations within the Google Tag Manager to respond to consent states. In the Tag Manager interface, you’ll be able to specify actions for users who have granted or denied consent.

Google Consent Mode V2 provides the consent.update API, which allows developers to dynamically adjust tag behavior. For example, when a user changes their consent status after interacting with a CMP, this API can update Google tags without needing to reload the page.

Here’s a sample code snippet for updating consent status dynamically:

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() {
gtag("consent", "default", {
    ad_storage: "denied",
    ad_user_data: "denied",
    ad_personalization: "denied",
    analytics_storage: "denied",
    functionality_storage: "denied",
    personalization_storage: "denied",
    security_storage: "granted",
    wait_for_update: 2000
gtag("set", "ads_data_redaction", true);
gtag("set", "url_passthrough", true);

In this case, consent for analytics data collection is granted, while consent for ad tracking is denied.

Test and Debug the Setup

Before launching the site, thoroughly test the implementation to ensure all tags behave according to user consent preferences. Use Google Tag Assistant to validate tag performance, and review your CMP’s functionality to make sure it correctly passes consent data to the tags.

Optimize Ad Campaigns with Modeled Data

Although you may not have access to individual user data for non-consenting users, you can still use the aggregated, modeled data to optimize your ad campaigns. Focus on broader trends and patterns, rather than granular details, when interpreting this data.

Retargeting Strategies

Retargeting campaigns can still be effective with Google Consent Mode V2. For consented users, you’ll have full access to their data for personalized ads. For non-consented users, you can rely on anonymized information to show generalized ads, keeping your brand top-of-mind while respecting privacy choices.


Use the consent status of users as a way to segment your audience. Develop different strategies for fully consented users versus those who have denied consent, optimizing your marketing efforts accordingly.

Adapting to Data Gaps

When working with modeled data from non-consenting users, marketers should avoid over-reliance on granular insights. Instead, consider broader patterns and adapt your campaign strategies based on overall trends in consented and non-consented user behavior.

Challenges and Considerations

While Google Consent Mode V2 offers many advantages, there are potential challenges to consider:

  • Compatibility with Existing Tools: Not all third-party tools may seamlessly integrate with Consent Mode. Developers must ensure that all relevant tracking and marketing tools are compatible with the consent states managed by Consent Mode.
  • User Experience Concerns: A poorly implemented CMP can degrade user experience, particularly if consent prompts are intrusive or confusing. Developers must ensure that the consent interface is user-friendly and clear.
  • Data Granularity: Marketers must be prepared to work with less detailed data from non-consented users. Although Consent Mode V2 offers better modeling, there are still limitations compared to fully consented data.

E-commerce Business

An online retailer implemented Google Consent Mode V2 to maintain compliance with GDPR while optimizing its marketing campaigns. By leveraging data from consenting users and modeled data from non-consenting users, the retailer was able to improve ad targeting and measure conversion performance effectively, leading to a 15% increase in ROI for its Google Ads campaigns.

Travel Agency

A global travel agency faced the challenge of losing valuable tracking data due to users opting out of cookies. By adopting Google Consent Mode V2, the agency saw improvements in its ability to measure conversions even for users who denied consent. The agency used this data to better allocate its marketing budget, improving overall campaign efficiency.

As privacy regulations continue to evolve, tools like Google Consent Mode will likely become more sophisticated. We can expect further refinements in how data from non-consented users is modeled, offering marketers better insights without compromising privacy. Google may also expand Consent Mode to support a wider array of marketing tools and third-party integrations, further streamlining compliance for businesses.


Google Consent Mode V2 represents a powerful tool for modern websites, allowing them to balance compliance with privacy regulations and the need for performance-driven data collection. For marketers, it provides a way to optimize campaigns even when users opt out of cookies. For developers, it offers a straightforward way to ensure that Google tags respect user consent preferences.

By integrating Google Consent Mode V2, businesses can ensure compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA while still gaining access to valuable analytics and ad performance data. As the digital landscape prioritizes privacy, leveraging tools like Consent Mode is crucial for the future of web development and marketing. If you’re ready to enhance your website’s compliance and performance, let’s discuss how we can help you implement this vital tool effectively.


Zsolt Oroszlány

Article author Zsolt Oroszlány

CEO of the creative agency Playful Sparkle, brings over 20 years of expertise in graphic design and programming. He leads innovative projects and spends his free time working out, watching movies, and experimenting with new CSS features. Zsolt's dedication to his work and hobbies drives his success in the creative industry.

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