Kompletný sprievodca vývojom rozšírenia pre OpenCart 4

A comprehensive guide to developing an extension for OpenCart 4

OpenCart is a popular open-source eCommerce platform known for its flexibility and user-friendliness. With the release of OpenCart 4, developers have new opportunities to enhance and extend the functionality of the platform. This article provides a thorough guide to developing an extension for OpenCart 4, including planning, development, testing, and deployment phases.


OpenCart (otvorí sa v novom okne) is a popular open-source eCommerce platform known for its flexibility and user-friendliness. With the release of OpenCart 4, developers have new opportunities to enhance and extend the functionality of the platform. Extensions in OpenCart can range from simple modules that add new functionality to complex integrations with third-party services.

Developing an extension for OpenCart 4 involves understanding the new architecture, following best practices, and adhering to OpenCart’s guidelines. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to build a high-quality extension.

Setting up your development environment

Before diving into extension development, it is crucial to set up your development environment. This includes installing OpenCart 4, setting up a local development server, and configuring necessary tools.

Installing OpenCart 4

  • Download OpenCart 4: Obtain the latest version of OpenCart 4 from the official website (otvorí sa v novom okne).
  • Extract files: Unzip the downloaded file and upload it to your web server or local development environment.
  • Create a database: Set up a new database for your OpenCart installation using a database management tool like phpMyAdmin.
  • Run installation: Access the OpenCart installation script via your web browser and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

Configuring your development environment

Understanding OpenCart 4 architecture

To develop an extension effectively, you need to understand OpenCart 4’s architecture and how it manages various components.

MVC architecture

OpenCart 4 uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the application into three interconnected components:

  • Model: Handles data and business logic. It interacts with the database and performs operations related to the data.
  • View: Manages the user interface and presentation. It displays data from the model in a user-friendly format.
  • Controller: Acts as an intermediary between the model and view. It processes user input, updates the model, and returns the appropriate view.

Event system

OpenCart 4 introduces an event system that allows developers to modify core functionality without altering the core files. Events can be used to trigger actions or modify data at specific points in the application.

Modification System

As of OpenCart 4.0.0, the ocMod functionality was removed. This system allowed modifications to core OpenCart files through XML-based modifications, but it is no longer supported in version 4.0. Despite this, modification files are still required to end in .ocmod.zip as a remnant of OpenCart 3.x, though this does not imply that ocMod functionality is active or supported.

However, a significant development has emerged with the release of OpenCart on 16 September 2023. Daniel Kerr, the OpenCart developer, announced that ocMod is planned to be reintroduced in a future release. This decision comes in response to feedback from users and developers who have struggled with the new event-based modification system. The return of ocMod is expected to enhance the development of new modules and the adaptation of existing extensions, potentially revitalizing the OpenCart 4.x branch.

For now, OpenCart is considered a stable release suitable for developing simple online shops, though it does have some issues such as an incomplete subscription system. Future updates are anticipated to address these issues and reintroduce ocMod functionality, which will likely improve the overall extension development experience.

Developing your extension

Developing an extension for OpenCart 4 involves several key steps. Follow these guidelines to create a functional and reliable extension.

Defining your extension

  • Purpose and features: Clearly define the purpose of your extension and the features it will offer. Create a detailed plan that outlines its functionality and user interface.
  • Naming and structure: Choose a unique name for your extension and follow OpenCart’s directory structure conventions. Extensions typically reside in the /extension/<extension_name>/admin/controller/, /extension/<extension_name>/admin/view/template/, /extension/<extension_name>/catalog/controller/, and /extension/<extension_name>/catalog/view/template/ directories.

Creating the extension

  • File structure: Create the necessary directories and files for your extension. Common directories include:
  • Controller: Develop the controller files that handle user requests and interact with models. Controllers should be placed in the /extension/<extension_name>/admin/controller/ and /extension/<extension_name>/catalog/controller/ directories.
  • Model: Create model files that manage data interactions. Place these files in the /extension/<extension_name>/admin/model/ and /extension/<extension_name>/catalog/model/ directory.
  • View: Develop view files for the user interface. These files should be placed in the /extension/<extension_name>/admin/view/template/ and /extension/<extension_name>/catalog/view/template/ directories.
  • Language files: Create language files for your extension to support multiple languages. Place these files in the /extension/<extension_name>/admin/language/ and /extension/<extension_name>/catalog/language/ directories.
  • SQL installation script: If your extension requires database changes, include an SQL installation script in the install.sql file.

Implementing features

  • Configuration: Allow users to configure your extension through the OpenCart admin panel. Create configuration settings that can be managed from the admin interface.
  • Integration: Integrate with other OpenCart features and extensions where necessary. Ensure compatibility with different themes and modules.
  • Event handling: Utilize the event system to modify core functionality or extend existing features. Register events in your extension's controller or model files.

Testing your extension

Thorough testing is essential to ensure that your extension functions correctly and does not introduce bugs or conflicts.

Unit testing

Perform unit testing on individual components of your extension, including controllers, models, and views. Use PHPUnit or a similar testing framework to automate tests.

Integration testing

Test how your extension integrates with OpenCart’s core features and other extensions. Verify that it does not conflict with existing functionality.

User testing

Conduct user testing to gather feedback from real users. This can help identify usability issues and improve the overall user experience.

Performance testing

Assess the performance of your extension to ensure it does not negatively impact the speed or responsiveness of the OpenCart store.

Deploying your extension

Once your extension is thoroughly tested, you can deploy it to a live environment.


Package your extension files into a ZIP archive for distribution. Ensure that all necessary files, including documentation, are included in the package.


Provide clear instructions for users to install your extension. Include steps for uploading files, running installation scripts, and configuring settings.


Create comprehensive documentation for your extension. Include installation instructions, usage guidelines, and troubleshooting tips.

Maintaining your extension

Ongoing maintenance is crucial to ensure your extension remains compatible with future OpenCart updates and continues to meet user needs.

Bug fixes

Address any issues reported by users and provide timely bug fixes. Regularly update your extension to resolve compatibility issues and improve functionality.

Feature updates

Enhance your extension by adding new features and improving existing ones. Stay informed about OpenCart updates and adapt your extension accordingly.

User support

Offer support to users who encounter problems with your extension. Provide a support channel, such as a dedicated email address or forum, and respond promptly to inquiries.

Best practices for OpenCart 4 extension development

  • Follow OpenCart guidelines: Adhere to OpenCart’s coding standards and best practices to ensure compatibility and maintainability.
  • Write clean code: Keep your code clean and well-organized. Use comments and documentation to make it easier for others to understand and maintain.
  • Optimize performance: Focus on optimizing the performance of your extension to ensure it does not impact the overall speed of the OpenCart store.
  • Secure your extension: Implement security measures to protect your extension from vulnerabilities and attacks. Validate user input and sanitize data to prevent security issues.
  • Stay updated: Keep up with the latest developments in OpenCart and regularly update your extension to maintain compatibility with new versions.


Developing an extension for OpenCart 4 requires a solid understanding of the platform’s architecture, a well-defined development process, and adherence to best practices. By following this comprehensive guide, you can create high-quality extensions that enhance the functionality of OpenCart and provide value to users.

Whether you are building a simple module or a complex integration, careful planning, thorough testing, and ongoing maintenance are key to a successful extension. With OpenCart 4’s new features and improvements, the possibilities for extension development are greater than ever.

If you're ready to take your OpenCart extensions to the next level and maximize their impact, consider partnering with Playful Sparkle . Our expertise in OpenCart development can transform your ideas into powerful extensions that drive value and enhance user experience. Happy coding! 🎉


Zsolt Oroszlány

Autor článku Zsolt Oroszlány

Vedúci kreatívnej agentúry Playful Sparkle, prináša viac ako 20 rokov skúseností v oblasti grafického dizajnu a programovania. Vedie inovatívne projekty a vo voľnom čase rád cvičí, pozerá filmy a experimentuje s novými funkciami CSS. Zsoltova oddanosť svojej práci a záľubám poháňa jeho úspech v kreatívnom priemysle.

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