Satellite channel list updater Cross-Platform App Development

Trade Station s.r.o. logo

Client Overview

Trade Station s.r.o. is a Slovak-based e-commerce company that specializes in offering a wide range of products through their online platform. The company is known for its extensive catalog, competitive pricing, and strong focus on customer satisfaction. The client required a cross-platform software solution, specifically a plugin for VU+ Zero set-top boxes, to streamline the process of updating channel lists. Additionally, they needed a REST web server written in Node.js to support the plugin by providing updated channel list information for download.

Program channel listing on TV


The primary goal was to develop a plugin compatible with VU+ Zero and additional VU+ like set-top boxes, allowing users to effortlessly update their channel lists. This would eliminate the need for technicians to visit customers' homes to perform manual updates, thereby reducing service costs and improving user convenience.

External parabola anterna mounted on the wall


Developing this solution presented several unique challenges:

  • Platform compatibility: The plugin needed to function seamlessly across multiple VU+ set-top boxes, which included different models such as those based on ARM architecture.
  • User adoption: Ensuring that the plugin was user-friendly and could be easily adopted by customers, regardless of their technical expertise, was critical.
  • Real-time updates: The plugin had to reliably connect to the REST server, download the latest channel list on-demand, and apply it without causing disruptions to the users' viewing experience.


App Concept

The idea behind the app was to provide a user-friendly plugin that would allow users to easily and comfortably update their channel list without requiring technical support. By simply using their remote controllers, users could download the latest channel lists directly from the REST server, ensuring that their VU+ set-top boxes always had the most up-to-date information.

Technology Stack

  • Plugin development: Python was chosen as the development platform for creating the plugin, due to its flexibility and compatibility with the VU+ operating system.
  • REST server: Node.js was selected for the REST web server, offering scalability and efficiency in handling multiple requests from various devices.

Development Process

The development process followed a structured approach:

  • Wireframing and conceptualization: Initial wireframes were created to visualize the user interface and user experience flow.
  • Development: The plugin was developed iteratively in Python, with regular testing on different VU+ set-top box models to ensure compatibility.
  • REST server implementation: The Node.js server was set up to handle requests, deliver channel lists, and log update activities.
  • Beta testing: A closed beta was conducted, allowing a select group of users to test the plugin and provide feedback. This iterative testing phase was crucial in identifying bugs and improving the user interface.
  • Final adjustments: Based on beta testing feedback, final adjustments were made to enhance performance, improve compatibility, and ensure a seamless user experience.
Insight into the source code of the plugin written in Python


The app was launched with a coordinated effort between Trade Station s.r.o. and our development team. We provided comprehensive user guides and customer support to ensure a smooth rollout. Additionally, the plugin was made available through Trade Station s.r.o.'s official distribution channels, making it easy for users to access and install.

List current channel lists while using the plugin

Success Metrics

The Satellite Channel List Updater plugin achieved significant success, with the following key metrics:

  • High adoption rate: The plugin was downloaded by over 80% of eligible users within the first three months.
  • User retention: Retention rates were high, with over 90% of users continuing to use the plugin for channel updates after the initial installation.
  • Positive feedback: Users reported high satisfaction due to the ease of use and the convenience of updating their channel lists without needing technical support.

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